WHO: Library and Information Networks for Knowledge

The WHO Library is the world’s leading library on public health. It provides access to knowledge from WHO as well as to other sources of scientific literature produced around the world. WHO Library resources and expertise also provide scientific evidence and knowledge to low- and middle- income countries through a set of low-cost/high-use initiatives.

UNICEF: Communication for Development

Communication for Development (C4D) is central to everything UNICEF does. Working in partnership with national governments, civil society organizations and development agencies, UNICEF Communication for Development uses a mix of social mobilization, advocacy and behavior and social change strategies on issues ranging from polio immunization to birth registration, from Ebola response to girls’ education, from exclusive breastfeeding to prevention of HIV and AIDS.


Springboard is an online community of social and behavior change (SBC) professionals who are passionate about making a difference in the world. Members seek access to experts, the latest theories and tools and the most stimulating discussions and educational opportunities, in order to advance their own knowledge and skills. Closely teamed with the Compass, it is a place for ideas and learning, suited to those working at any level of expertise and in any SBC-related field.


Photoshare is a service of the USAID-funded Knowledge for Health (K4Health) project, based at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Center for Communication Programs (CCP), helping international nonprofit organizations communicate health and development issues through photography. Photoshare is a leading source for public health and development communication, focused on demonstrating the value and impact of photography in global health efforts to improve health and save lives. Developed exclusively for educational and nonprofit purposes, Photoshare is a one-of-a-kind editorial photography collection covering a broad range of subjects in international development, with a focus on public health. The online image database currently contains more than 30,000 captioned images related to global health and development issues free for nonprofit and educational use.

Knowledge for Health

Knowledge for Health (K4Health) is a global USAID-funded knowledge management project. Led by Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs (CCP), K4Health seeks to improve family planning and reproductive health services in low- and middle-income countries by changing the way family planning knowledge is accessed, shared, and used. The K4Health site provides an unparalleled collection of freely accessible family planning and related health knowledge resources that can help you in your work.

Hinari Access to Research for Health programme

The Hinari Programme, set up by WHO together with major publishers, enables low- and middle-income countries to gain access to one of the world’s largest collections of biomedical and health literature. There are now 15,000 journals, 60,000 e-books, and 105 other information resources available to health institutions in more than 120 countries, areas and territories benefiting many thousands of health workers and researchers, and in turn, contributing to improve world health.

Global Health eLearning Center

In 2005, USAID’s Bureau of Global Health developed the Global Health eLearning (GHeL) Center to provide its worldwide mission-based health staff with access to state of the art technical global health information. The courses and certificate programs at the Center offer self-paced Internet-based courses that:

  • Provide useful and timely continuing education for the world’s premier global health professionals
  • Present state-of-the-art technical content on key public health topics
  • Serve as a practical resource for increasing public health knowledge

Each course is authored by a subject matter expert or a team of experts, is highly focused, and can be completed in about one to two hours. Learners can access a course in multiple visits and a pick up where they left off at any time. Although courses are designed to be taken online, a printer-friendly format allows you to download and print course materials for further study.

Global Compass

The Compass is a curated collection of social and behavior change (SBC) resources. The collection offers the highest quality “how-to” tools and packages of materials from SBC projects. Each item in the Compass is vetted to ensure it was developed via a strategic process and had documented success in the field.

Development Experience Clearinghouse

The Development Experience Clearinghouse is USAID’s online library and project history. Access USAID projects, evaluations and more.

The Communication Initiative Network

The mission of the Communication Initiative Network is to convene the communication and media development, social and behavioural change community for more effective local, national, and international development action. The CI Network has over 103,000 people engaged in international development. The network has shared 38,000 “items” of knowledge. These are organised by over 500 different taxonomy codes that facilitate a filtered search process. The CI staff take often long and complex knowledge and summarize to 6 to 8 paragraphs (with links to the original knowledge) for quick and easy access and review.